"husband, father, grandfather"

Detached from Reality

Detached from Reality

I didn’t listen to the President’s State of the Union speech.  It is not because he is not a good orator..  I just can’t take anymore of his rhetoric that is detached from reality.  I did hear some commentary about his speech (both liberal and conservative), pretty much what I expected.  He lays claim to good things he has not done and those things that are not so good, he ignores and claims no knowledge or responsibility. 

Can we just speak a little bit of reality for a moment?

The President is more sympathetic to the concerns of the Muslim world than he is to this country.  He filled out his application for President marking the “Christian” box, but in practice he is a Muslim.

The President hates this country.  He doesn’t like its history, the military, citizens acting patriotic, saluting the flag, or Fourth of July parades.  Hometown America is not his experience with little league baseball, the FFA, and the county fair.  He has no identity with people that actually live, work, and die in this country.

He has never served in the military, worked in a common labor job, nor accomplished anything that wasn’t literally facilitated, subsidized, or given to him by governmental regulations.  As a result, he can’t relate to taxpayers and the citizens who work for a living successfully.

His idea of a jobs program is hiring more government employees.  His idea of helping people is to make them completely dependent on a government program.  His idea of true advancement is funding some university to study flatulence of cows and the impact on global warming.

He is narcissistic, a pathological liar, and enjoys running his own “James Bond” style of foreign policy out of the White House. 

The day is coming when he will not be the President.  His own liberal friends will then declare that he was a terrible disappointment.  His former aides will write books and viciously tear him limb from limb.  Al Sharpton, of course, will call it racism.  The President will be forced to play golf at his local golf course, pay his own green fees, and have a hard time getting a foursome that will play with him.

Let me conclude with this:

I believe God gave this President to the United States.  His purpose in doing so was to judge us harshly.  Our nation has already seen its best days.  We have been measured and found wanting.  We will soon be slipping into the history books, as other nations have, choosing not to be “One nation under God” but instead a “Chaotic Morass Detached from Reality.”

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