"husband, father, grandfather"

A Shift in Strategy

Hamas Terror TunnelsIsrael has decided to shift its strategy in fighting Hamas in Gaza.  Israel believes it has destroyed the cross-border tunnels that would be used by Hamas to infiltrate Israel with killers.  They report that 30 of those tunnels have been destroyed.  Israel is now “regrouping” its ground forces to develop and much larger border area in Gaza territory, blunting future tunnel construction.  This strategy saves the lives of IDF soldiers and puts Hamas into a “disregard.”  With the exception of their rockets they can do nothing.  They live in virtual rubble with no power, water, or sewers.  Israel has reduced their rocket and missile inventories significantly and will keep up the air strikes.  The hope on Israel’s part is that the Palestinians will conclude that following Hamas has only brought death and destruction to the Gazan residents.

World opinion has turned against Israel most recently because of the death of ten Palestinians near a UN security compound.  There is still an investigation concerning this.  If Israel is at fault I’m sure apologies and corrections will be made (something never done by Hamas).  However, many of these incidents have turned out to be an errant rocket fired by Hamas crashing into Gaza instead of Israel.  The world media NEVER reports those; they just say that the Gaza conflict has killed more civilians, laying the blame on Israel, of course.UN Security CouncilBy the way, the so called "death toll" and casualty reports for Gaza are absolutely bogus.  These reports passed on by the media come from Hamas, and initial analysis of checking names has found much duplication to inflate the numbers.  Some names are listed up to 5 times.  They also do not list Hamas militant deaths and casualties; those are minimized.  Israel reports the death of hundreds of militants, which Hamas denies.

Anti-Israel Protests at the White HouseIn recent days, there have been protests that are pro-Gaza and anti-Israel in major cities of the United States and outside the White House.  I smell a rat here.  The overwhelming majority of US citizens support Israel in its struggle with Hamas, so what motivated this so-called spontaneous protest with thousands and why is the American media reporting them and not the dominant pro-Israel stance of the majority?  I don’t think we have to look any further than the White House.  They do not want Hamas destroyed (they are part of the Muslim Brotherhood).  I would remind you that the President has many “advisors” (paid for by US taxpayers) that are avowed members of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Is there any chance that they are doing a little “community organizing” to enable these protests?

Blessings, Monte

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