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Getting Used to It

Getting used to it.

You have probably heard the proverb of putting a frog in water, heating it to boiling, and the frog not jumping out before it’s boiled to death. The frog just gets used to it until it kills him.

The frog in the water thing is what is happening with the world and the Islamic State terrorists, savages, and killers. We are getting used to them.

Not too long along an American journalist was beheaded on a video. The world was SHOCKED. Then we were shocked that the President went and played golf after expressing his outrage! Very recently, the same Radical Islamic terrorists beheaded two Japanese men. It didn’t seem as shocking. Yesterday, we learned that a pilot from Jordan who was captured in December was put in a cage and burned alive to his death. The video of the event was put together into a recruiting video for more terrorists to join them.

We are SHOCKED again. Not by the two beheadings but by the pilot being burned alive. We are at a new level and we are adjusting to “get used to it.”

But some of us know this has to stop. We refuse to “get used to it.” Of course everyone is questioning what can we do? Many don’t want to put troops on the ground in the ISIS, ISIL, Radical Islamic terrorists, or murdering Muslims area. At present, there are some token aerial bombings taking place, but there is no clear strategy or plan how to truly defeat them. At present, they are winning; the rest of the world is losing.

I know I am a simple citizen in this country but I do have a strategy on how to defeat Islamic terrorists all around the world. I believe if the United States would use some the lessons of past victories we would defeat this enemy. If we follow this simple winning strategy then other nations would be emboldened and follow our example. Islamic extremists would never expose themselves again and the matter would be resolved.

First, what winning strategies am I referring to? Look at how the Allies defeated Germany and Japan in WWII. Germany believed in the Nazi cause and the Fuehrer Adolf Hitler. He was a messianic figure for them. This is what the German leadership believed in. Germany was defeated because we defeated what Germany believed in. The same was true of Japan. The Emperor was a “god” status, and the Japanese believed in him – to the death. We defeated Japan because we defeated what they believed in. When the Emperor offered his surrender, the Japanese people surrendered. We defeated what they believed in.

Now we come to the Radical Islamic terrorists. We must defeat what they believe in. They believe that they are “holy warriors doing Allah’s will.” They are waging “Jihad” (holy war). They also believe they will be successful by frightening the enemy to submit (Islam means submission). They shout “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is greater) when they attack to embolden themselves and to frighten their enemies. They use the Koran and their religious leaders to justify their barbarism in the name of Allah.

But before we can defeat the Islamic terrorists, we must overcome some of our own COWARDICE.

Here is my two-part comprehensive plan to defeat the enemy.

Part I addresses the will of the United States to lead fight.

  1. Arrest Valerie Jarett, the Iranian born, Muslim who is the primary advisor to President Obama. Charge her with treason.
  2. Demand that the President fire Susan Rice, the National Security Chairperson.
  3. Demand that the President fire Samantha Smith, the Ambassador to the United Nations.
  4. Demand that the President fire John Brennan, the head of the CIA.
  5. Demand that the President replace the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and retain the present Secretary of Defense.
  6. Replace these persons with skilled individuals that will work together to destroy Radical Islamic terrorists anywhere in the world.
  7. If the President fails to carry out steps one through six, impeach him. I believe Biden, even as a bumbling fool, can do better than Obama.
  8. Announce to our allies in the Middle East that the gloves are coming off and the United States is committed to using any and all of our arsenal to defeat the Islamic terrorists.
  9. Have the United States Congress declare war on the Islamic terrorist world, no matter what nation they may be in.

Part II addresses how we will destroy the Islamic terrorists.

  1. Using all media forms and geographical neighbors, inform all persons in terrorist-held areas to evacuate immediately. Inform them that failing to evacuate, they will be killed along with the terrorists—no exceptions—even for aid workers or journalists. The evacuation will be limited to one week. Immediately arrest any persons returning to their home countries that were in a terrorist area supporting the terrorists’ cause. Every person is to be vetted and imprisoned.
  2. Arrest every suspected Islamic radical in this country and begin the process of destroying every cell group and support group that can be found. Arrest them as spies for the Islamic State and expedite their trials and convictions. From arrest to conviction shall not exceed 30 days.
  3. Announce world wide the new weapon systems the United States will use in the fight against Islamic terrorists anywhere in the world. Develop video programs showing every bomb, missile, and round of ammunition being anointed with pig’s blood. Post these videos on all public social media sites for everyone to see.
  4. Invite Japanese, United Kingdom, French, Jordanian, and other nations to send persons to join American personnel to form international firing squads. Any terrorists captured anymore in the world will receive summary judgment and be immediately executed.
  5. Tie every Gitmo prisoner to a stake, pour pig blood on them, and shoot them in the head. Pile all of bodies together in a pit with pig carcasses and incinerate them. Video tape the entire event with patriotic music and send copies to all Muslim nations. Shut Gitmo down. We don’t need it anymore and won’t need it in the future.
  6. Conduct full cyber warfare on all Islamic extremist information sites denying their use. Pass new laws against forming new sites advocating any form of Jihad or violence against innocents. Conduct full electronic warfare and shut down all Islamic State terrorist communications including cell phones, fiber optic links or electronic communications with anyone in the world. Set up a single hard-wired communication link “a hot line” for them to surrender.
  7. Supply ammunition and weapons to any nation willing to fight Islamic terrorists. Supply weapons to the Kurds specifically.
  8. Begin a strategic bombing campaign destroying every vehicle, building, and resource in Islamic terrorist control including oil facilities and essential resources. Bomb them like Germany and Japan were bombed. Not one structure or resource should remain. Take them back to the Stone Age. Interdict every aircraft, truck, or camel caravan supplying anything to the Islamic area. Nothing goes in and nothing goes out. Everyone there is to die unless they fully surrender.
  9. Should a large concentration of the Islamic State terrorists be formed in Syria or northwest Iraq, use a single tactical nuclear weapon.
  10. Prepare and establish combat brigades ready to sweep whatever remains with a “take no prisoner” operational directive.

Are you SHOCKED yet? This is what it will take to defeat them. We must prove to them that their god is not greater – their god is death to them.

I refuse to “get used to” the Islamic terrorists any longer. No more propaganda from them. It is time to end this. There are a lot of innocent people who are Muslims who will thank us later.

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